Conference Program

Online Conference Participation and
Presentation Instruction

To join conference: We will use Microsoft Teams as our online conferencing tool. Please install MS Teams before the conference. You just need to click the conference link to join. Please check your email to see the conference link, if you have registered, but don't get the link by September 18, please send email to [email protected].

To make presentation: Your presentation is limited in 15 minutes with Q&A included(12 minutes talk + 3 minutes Q&A). Please make your powerpionts ready before your presentation. You Do Not need to upload it to anywhere. When you make presentation, click the "Share" button, and choose to share the whole screen (recommended) or the MS Powerpoint only. We will be able to see your powerpoints. Then just go ahead to do the presentaiton as regular times! We highly recommend you to do live presentations so that we can have better communication, pre-recorded video should be the last choice when it is neceassry.

You can click here to see detailed step-by-step MS Teams Sharing instruction.

Must_Read for session chairs

Must_Read for session presenters and attendees

Practice MS Teams: If you would like to test your devices and practice the tool, you can do this in MS Teams Practice Room. The practice room will be open 24/7 until the end of conference.

Session Schedule

Note: The following schedule follows Dallas local time (Central Daylight Time, CDT), which is UTC-5

Day1 (September 21)

8:20 -- 8:30 AM, Opening (General Co-Chair: Ding-Zhu Du and TPC Chair: Smita Ghosh)
8:30 -- 9:30 AM, Keynote 1 (Prof. Ling Liu), Session Chair: Ding-Zhu Du
9:30 -- 9:45 AM, Coffee Break
9:45 -- 11:45 AM Session 1 (8 talks)
11:45 AM -- 1:15 PM Lunch Break
1:15 -- 3:15 PM Session 2 (8 talks)
3:15 -- 3:30 PM Coffee Break
3:30 -- 5:15 PM Session 3 (7 talks)

Day 2 (September 22)

8:30 -- 9:30 AM, Keynote 2 (Prof. Zhao Zhang), Session Chair: Smita Ghosh
9:30 -- 9:45 AM, Coffee Break
9:45 -- 11:45 AM, Session 4 (8 talks)
11:45 AM -- 1:15 PM Lunch Break
1:15 -- 3:15 PM Session 5 (8 talks)
3:15 -- 3:30 PM Coffee Break
3:30 -- 5:00 PM Session 6 (6 talks)

Note: Each talk is limited in 15 minutes with Q&A included (12 minutes talk + 3 minutes Q&A)

Session Details

Note: The following schedule follows Dallas local time (Central Daylight Time, CDT), which is UTC-5

The presenter(s) of the paper are marked with an asterisk (*).

Session 1: Optimization and Applications (part1)
Time: Sep. 21 9:45 -- 11:45 AM

Chair: Ling Gai ([email protected])
Volunteer: Ke Su ([email protected])

  •  Maximum Core Spanning Tree Insertion Maintenance for Large Dynamic Graphs, Xiaowei Lv*, Yongcai Wang, Deying Li, Haodi Ping

  •  NFTO: DAG-Based Task Offloading and Energy Optimization Algorithm in Mobile Edge Computing, Luchuan Zeng*, Kunming Jin, Zichen Wang, Chen Zhang, Hongwei Du

  •  Dynamic DR-Submodular Maximization with Linear Costs over the Integer Lattice, Yuanyuan Qiang*, Bin Liu

  •  Revisit the online facility location problem with uniform facility cost, Mengzhen Li*, Ruijie Miao, Chenchen Wu, Dachuan Xu

  •  ToI-based Data Utility Maximization for UAV-assisted Wireless Sensor Networks, Qing Zhao, Zhen Li, Jianqiang Li, Jianxiong Guo, Xingjian Ding*, Deying Li

  •  Approximation Algorithms for the Minimum Weight Cycle/Path Partition Problem, Yaqi Li*, Wei Yu, Zhaohui Liu

  •  A Distributed Method for Negative Content Spread Minimization on Social Networks, Ruidong Yan*, Zhenhua Guo, Weili Wu, Baoyu Fan

  •  or-Submodular maximization under a Matroid Constraint and a Knapsack Constraint, Qian Liu, Yang Zhou, Min Li, Haifeng Huang*

Session 2: : Graphs and Networks (part1)
Time: Sep. 21 1:15 -- 3:15 PM

Chair:Ke Su ([email protected])
Volunteer: Zhen Wang ([email protected])

  •  Algorithms for the Constrained Assignment Problems with Bounds and Maximum Penalty, Guojun Hu*, Pengxiang Pan, Junran Lichen, Lijian Cai

  •  Stable Matching with Approval Preferences under Partial Information, Yaqin Chu, Junjie Luo*, Tianyang Zheng

  •  The Characterizations and Complexity of Roman {2}-Domination and 2-Domination in Graphs, Cai-Xia Wang*, Yu Yang, Ze-Peng Li, Shou-Jun Xu

  •  Online bottleneck matching on a star, Man Xiao*, Weidong Li

  •  Task Planning for The Multi-center Heterogeneous Vehicle Pickup and Delivery Problem, Ruixi Huang*, Yifei Li, Hejiao Huang

  •  Time-Sensitive Target Coverage Under Visibility Constraints with UAVs, Boxi Chen*, Jingfang Su, Hongwei Du

  •  Enabling Proactive Microservice Placement in Collaborative Edge Computing Networks, Zichen Wang*, Kunming Jin, Luchuan Zeng, Chen Zhang, Hongwei Du

  •  Improved approximation algorithms for Patrol-Scheduling with Min-Max Latency using Multiclass Minimum Spanning Forests, Li-Hsuan Chen*, Ling-Ju Hung, Ralf Klasing

Session 3: Submodularity, Management and Others
Time: Sep. 21 3:30 -- 5:15 PM

Chair: Guanghua Wang ([email protected])
Volunteer: Ke Su ([email protected])

  •  Submodular Participatory Budgeting, Jing Yuan, Shaojie Tang*

  •  Monotone Submodular Meta-Learning under the Matroid Constraint, Shufang Gong*, Bin Liu, Qizhi Fang, Weili Wu

  •  Revisiting the stretch factor of Delaunay triangulations of points in convex position, Xuehou tan*, Rong Chen, Qing Jaing

  •  Integrated airline aircraft routing and crew pairing by alternating Lagrangian decomposition, Cong Li*, Suixiang Gao, Wenguo Yang, Zhipeng Jiang

  •  Approximation Algorithms for k-Submodular Maximization under the Fair Constraints and Size Constraints, Weijia Hu*, Bin Liu

  •  Systematic Review of Cybersecurity Disclosure Research, Hongmin Du*, Jiahui Xu, Miklos Vasarhelyi

  •  Transition-based Heterogeneous Network Embedding by Self-Attention Model of Sparse Matrix, Keqin Chen*, Zhipeng Jiang

Session 4: Optimization and Applications (part2)
Time: Sep. 22 9:45 -- 11:45 AM

Chair: Vorapong Suppakitpaisarn ([email protected])
Volunteer: Qiufen Ni ([email protected])

  •  Iterative rounding for bag of tasks scheduling with rejection in high performance computing, Ruiqing Sun*

  •  Efficient Approximation Algorithms for Parallel Batch Machine Scheduling of Malleable Jobs, Fenghe Xia*, Longkun Guo, Xiaoyan Zhang

  •  Minsum Problem for Discrete and Weighted Set Flow on Dynamic Path Network, Bodhayan Roy, Vorapong Suppakitpaisarn*, Bubai Manna

  •  A distributed approximation algorithm for the total dominating set problem, Limin Wang*, Zhao Zhang, Donglei Du, Yaping Mao, Xiaoyan Zhang

  •  Parity-Constrained Weighted k-Center, Xinlan Xia*, Lu Han, lili Mei

  •  Approximation Algorithm for the Maximum Interval Multi-Cover Problem, Yuxuan Xu*, Yingli Ran, Zhao Zhang

  •  Cost-sharing mechanisms for the selfish open-end bin packing problem, Zhikang Zhang*, Weidong Li

  •  Optimal Bridge, Twin Bridges and Beyond: Inserting Edges into a Road Network to Minimize the Constrained Diameters, Henning Fernau, Binhai Zhu*, Zhidan Feng

Session 5: Graphs and Networks (part2)
Time: Sep. 22 1:15 -- 3:15 PM

Chair: Binhai Zhu ([email protected])
Volunteer: Chensheng Ma ([email protected])

  •  On the Kalai-Smorodinsky solutions for Bi-objective Spanning Tree Problem, Thanh Loan Nguyen*, Viet Hung Nguyen, Minh Hieu Nguyen, Thi Viet Thanh Vu

  •  A polynomial time algorithm to find star chromatic index on bounded treewidth graphs with given maximum degree, Yichen Wang*, Mei Lu

  •  Representation of Dominating Set Variants using Dataless Neural Networks, SANGRAM KISHOR JENA, Piotr Wojciechowski*

  •  Detection and Analysis of Cryptocurrency Scams on Twitter, Karuna K Chandra*, Karan Kalla, Jagriti Bhatia, Mihir Jayaprakash, Sudeepa Dey

  •  Fair Division with Weighted and Prioritized Agents, Liangsen Li*, Bin Deng

  •  Plane Segmentation for Proportional Division of Resources, Jiangjun Shao*, Hao Guo

  •  Quantum Annealing and GNN for Solving TSP with QUBO, Haoqi He*

  •  Speeding Up Constrained k-Means Through 2-Means, Qilong Feng, Bin Fu*

Session 6: Quantum and Others
Time: Sep. 22 3:30 -- 5:00 PM

Chair: Yisheng Zhou ([email protected])
Volunteer: Dongyu Mao ([email protected])

  •  Algorithmic Construction of Tessellation Cover to QUBO Formulations,Luis Felipe Cunha, Franklin Marquezino, Daniel Posner, Matheus Romaneli*

  •  An Algebraic Perspective on Tree Imbalance Metrics,Priyojit Palit*, Smita Ghosh

  •  Finding Fair and Efficient Allocations of Indivisible Chores,Zhe Liu*, Wenguo Yang, Suixiang Gao

  •  Quantum Lung Segmentation: QCU-Net Applied to Chest X-ray Images,Haoqi He*, Mingkai Huang

  •  On the Existence of Parameterized Algorithms for the Shortest Common Supersequence and Related Problems,Muzhou Chen, Haitao Jiang, Nan Liu, Lusheng Wang, Binhai Zhu*

  •  Towards understanding news plagiarism: theoretical and experimental analysis,Ruxandra Marinescu-Ghemeci, Adrian Miclaus*, Ionut Muraretu, Alexandru Popa

* After Session 6, we will have an announcement. The announcement is expected to begin around 4:50-5:00 PM, depending on when Session 6 ends.