Reliable Spatial-Temporal Coverage with Minimum Cost in Wireless Sensor Network Deployments

(ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Sponsered by NSF Award# CCF-0829993 TF-SING: Collaborative Research)

Project Activities

New Findings and Results

Training and Development

Outreach Activities


Collaboration Efforts

Dr. Wu invited Dr. Wang (one of her collaborators from UML) to visit her research labtory discussing research problems, exchanging ideas, and working out some solutions for this project. Dr. Wu and her students have met Dr. Cui (another collaborator from UConn) several times at some conferences (TPC meeting for INFOCOM 2012, INFOCOM 2011, INFOCOM 2012, WUWNet 2011, etc.) to discuss the research progress, exchange new ideas for research problems proposed in this project.

WUWNet is an ACM workshop on underwater network ( in conjunction with ACM MobiCom. Dr. Wu sent her student, Ms. Ling Ding (She recently graduated and becomes a facuty member at University of Washington Tacoma) to attend this important conference last year (December 1-2, 2011, Seattle, Washington, USA) to learn the new trending and new technologies in this area.


Research Plan for Next Year

So far (during 2010-2012), our study on the maximum lifetime coverage problem is in 2D static wireless sensor networks. For next academic year, we plan to extend our current research work in two directions.

First, we will extend our research results to 3D wireless sensor networks. There is a fundamental difficulty to do this extension in theory. Indeed, it is still an open problem whether there exists or not a polynomial-time constant-approximation for the minimum weight sensor cover problem in 3D homogeneous wireless sensor networks (mathematical model is the unit ball graph) because it seems quite hard to extend the current techniques for study of the minimum weight sensor cover from 2D networks to 3D networks. Therefore, this is a challenge direction.

Second, we will extend our research results to wireless sensor network with certain mobility. The mobility even in a lower level will increase the lifetime of coverage. However, it will bring to us some new challenges. For example, how to find the hole of coverage and how to move to fill holes to optimize certain objective function.